Tutorial: Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles
07 October 2024
08:30 – 12:00
On the morning of 7 October 2024, preceding the start of the 8th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium, we will offer an introductory-to-intermediate level tutorial titled “Grid Integration of Electric Vehicles: Key Success Drivers.” This tutorial will feature four international expert speakers.
Please come to the main registration desk to collect your conference badge before going to the tutorial.
Tutorial Lecturers
(Energynautics, Germany)
(ChargeSim, Netherlands)
(Foundation for Environmental Energy Law, Germany)
(TransnetBW, Germany)
Preliminary Agenda
Lecture 1 (30 min.)
Electric Vehicle Grid Impact Assessment
Thorsten Schlößer (Energynautics, Germany)
This talk will cover key topics, including insights from practical experience in the field.
- Electric vehicle types
- Adoption rates & policy
- Environmental impact
- Charging
- AC vs. DC vs Battery Swapping
- Charging demand
- Grid impact
- Managed charging
- Load management
- Smart charging
- Vehicle to Grid
Discussion (10 min)
Lecture 2 (40 min.)
Unlocking the Potential of Fleet Electrification
Dr. Andrew Rutgers (ChargeSim, Netherlands)
The following topics, amongst others will be covered in this talk, including key insights from practical experience in the field.
- Introduction to Fleet Charging
- Challenges and opportunities
- Business cases
- Charger placement
- Going beyond simple load management
- Depot and charge scheduling
- Types of algorithms
- Parking and dispatch management
- Introduction to communication standards
- Future outlook
- Grid operator integration
Discussion (10 min)
Coffee Break
Lecture 3 (40 min.)
Grasping the legal framework for grid integration of electric vehicles
Dr. Tobias Klarmann (Foundation for Environmental Energy Law, Germany)
- The general EU Legal System
- The multi-level-legal system
- Types of legislation
- Institutions and Competences
- The legal landscape for E-Mobility and grid regulation on the EU level
- Electricity Regulation
- Electricity Directive
- Energy Efficiency Directive
- Network Codes
- Focus on particularly relevant legislation
- Network tariff regulation (economically)
- Grid Connection Network Codes (RfG, DC and DR) (technically)
- Dynamic prices & Network curtailment (introduction)
Discussion (10 min)
Lecture 4 (40 min.)
EV Enables System Services at Transmission Level
Dr. Rainer Enzenhöfer (TransnetBW, Germany)
- Transmission network operation
- Need to include small scale flexibilities
- Anciallary services (e.g. Redispatch, Power Balancing)
- Vehicle to Grid as a game changer
- EV as a power system asset
- Smart Charging methodology and Use Cases
- Grid-oriented flexibility
- Car, Charger and grid centric control
- Need for proper balancing
- Standard load profile uncertainty
- Real time measurements
- Roaming
- Demonopolizing charging infrastructure
Discussion (10 min)
Participation Fees & Registration
The Tutorial is not included in the general participation fee of the E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium.
- As the number of participants for the Tutorial is limited, tickets are available on a first come, first served basis.
- The Tutorial can be canceled if less than 8 participants register.
- Please note that the Finnish government has confirmed that the proposed VAT increase from 24% to 25.5% will go ahead on 1 September 2024.
- All 24% VAT payments must be completed before the change on 1 September. Otherwise, a new invoice with the increased VAT rate of 25.5% will be issued.
Please register via the online registration platform:
About our Tutorials
In our tutorials, you have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge regarding crucial renewables topics in an intimate setting.
In intense presentations by specially invited experts you gain not only detailed knowledge but also a unique hands-on-experience.
The tutorial will have an introductory to intermediate-level.