Call for Papers

Call for Papers is closed now – Missed the Deadline for Abstract Submission?

If you wish to submit a late abstract, just contact us per email.

The submitted abstracts were just reviewed by the International Advisory Committee of this Symposium. Now, we are working on the set up of the Symposium Agenda.

All authors will be notified of the acceptance of their submissions for presentation no later than 23 June 2021.

  • The full, camera-ready papers have then be submitted online by 23 August 2021 at the latest.
  • Abstracts, papers and presentation slides must be submitted online. Do not fax, mail or email your abstract or paper as it will not be considered.
  • As the conference language is English, all abstracts and papers have to be written in English.
  • Speakers will pay a REDUCED workshop fee.
  • All participants are responsible for paying their own travel and hotel expenses.

More questions? Please check out FAQs for more information.

ATTENTION! Startups Wanted!

You have the opportunity to present your startup to the International Renewable Energy Grid Integration Community. Showcase your experiences, developments and findings at the E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium – maybe even in your own startup session. Contact us at info[at] to explore your options!

Topics of the Symposium

Please note that the focus of the E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium is on the integration of large-scale E-Mobility solutions into power systems. Grid integration solutions, charging infrastructure and storage are main topics, not electric vehicle development. Due to this focus, only plug-in vehicle solutions are relevant. That includes the pure plug-in electric vehicle (PEV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) as well as Vehicle-to-Grid solutions.


Topic IconProject Experience with EV Grid Integration

Topic IconGrid Forming Aspects and Experience

Topic IconPower System Aspects with High Shares of EVs

Topic IconDistribution Grid Issues

Topic IconMarket and Regulatory Aspects

Topic IconCharging Infrastructure Planning & Smart Charging

Topic IconHigh Power Charging

Topic IconVehicle to Grid incl. Ancillary Service Participation

Topic IconCharging Methods + Standardization of Charging Modes / Communication

Topic IconCommunication and Security Aspects

Topic IconGrid Integration Modelling Aspects

Topic IconGrid Code Issues and Future Aspects

Topic IconDecarbonization of Energy Sectors

Topic IconElectrification of Urban Mobility

Topic IconMobility as a Service

Topic IconAI and Machine Learning for Grid Integration

Topic IconE-Mobility and Renewable Energy Integration