Call for Papers
Be a speaker at the 7th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium!
The official Call for Papers has been closed as of 05 July 2023. All authors have been notified of the admission of their submissions.
In-person participation in Copenhagen is mandatory for speakers and poster presenters presenting their work.
- The full, camera-ready papers have then be submitted online by 24 August 2023 at the latest.
- As the conference language is English, all abstracts and papers have to be written in English.
- Speakers will pay a REDUCED workshop fee.
- All participants are responsible for paying their own travel and hotel expenses.
- Abstracts, papers and presentation slides must be submitted online. Do not fax, mail or email your abstract or paper as it will not be considered.
More questions? Please check out FAQs for more information.
Topics of the Symposium
Project Experience with EV Grid Integration
Grid Forming Aspects and Experience
Power System Aspects with High Shares of EVs
Distribution Grid Issues
Market and Regulatory Aspects
Charging Infrastructure Planning & Smart Charging
High Power Charging
Vehicle to Grid incl. Ancillary Service Participation
Charging Methods (AC, DC, Wireless) + Standardization of charging modes/communication
Communication and Security Aspects
Grid Integration Modelling Aspects
Grid Code Issues and Future Aspects
Decarbonization of Energy Sectors
Decarbonization of Transport with Green Hydrogen
Electrification of Urban Mobility
Mobility as a Service
AI and Machine Learning for Grid Integration
E-Mobility and Renewable Energy Integration