Best Papers 2022
Special issue of IET Renewable Power Generation „Selected papers from the RE Grid Integration Weeks 2021/2022“
Selected best E-Mobility papers 2022
The following papers of the 6th International E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium (The Hague, 2022) have been selected as the best papers and are now eligible for the manuscript submission process of the IET Special Issue.
- Comparing Different Prices Models and Their Impact on the Charging Times of Battery Electric Vehicles
L. Ebbert, G.-L. Di Modica, J. Wussow, B. Engel (TU Brunswick – elenia, Germany) (Submission-ID EMOB22-19)
- Short-Term Prediction of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Availability Using Cascaded Machine Learning Models
C. Hecht (RWTH Aachen University | Juelich Aachen Research Alliance, JARA-Energy, Germany), R. Aghsaee, F. Schwinger (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), J. Figgener (RWTH Aachen University | Juelich Aachen Research Alliance, JARA-Energy, Germany), M. Jarke (RWTH Aachen University | Fraunhofer FIT, Germany), D. U. Sauer (RWTH Aachen University, Germany | Juelich Aachen Research Alliance, JARA-Energy, Germany | Helmholtz Institute Muenster, Germany) (Submission-ID EMOB22-55)
- Combining Energy Storage with EV Fleet Charging
A. Rutgers (ChargeSim BV, Netherlands) (Submission-ID EMOB22-73)
- Planning Charging Hubs for Battery Electric Vehicles and Trucks on the German Motorway Network – a Distribution System Perspective
K. Burges (RE-xpertise, Germany), F. Probst, S. Kippelt (ef.Ruhr GmbH, Germany) (Submission-ID EMOB22-121)
- Analysis of the Peak Shaving Potential of Bidirectionally Chargeable Electric Vehicles in a Field Trial
A. Ostermann (FfE – Research Institute for Energy Economics and Industry | TUM – Technical University of Munich, Germany), V. Engwerth, K. Sommer (FfE – Research Institute for Energy Economics and Industry, Germany) (Submission-ID EMOB22-150)
Selected best Wind & Solar Papers 2022
The following papers of the 21st Wind & Solar Integration Workshop (the Hague, 2022) have been selected as the best papers and are now eligible for the manuscript submission process of the IET Special Issue.
- Harmonic Distortion Prediction Method for a Meshed Transmission Grid with Distributed Harmonic Emission Sources – Eastern Danish Transmission Grid Case Study
V. Akhmatov, M. Sørensen, T. Jakobsen, C. L. Skovgaard, B. C. Gellert (Energinet, Denmark), B. Søndergaard Bukh (Energinet | Aalborg University, Denmark) (Submission-ID WIW22-4)
- New Pathways to Future Grid Compliance for Wind Power Plants
G. M. Gomes Guerreiro (Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Denmark | DTU Wind and Energy Systems, Denmark), F. Martin (Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Denmark), G. Yang (DTU Wind and Energy Systems, Denmark), B. Andresen (Aarhus University, Denmark) (Submission-ID WIW22-21)
- Utilisation of Synchronous Condensers for Improved Damping in Power Systems with High Renewable Penetration
A. Karisik, T. Bertes (DIgSILENT Pacific, Australia) (Submission-ID WIW22-43)
- Employing Wind Power Plants in Grid Restoration Processes – A Field Testing
L. Holicki, A. Abels, S. Nikolai, G. Schürmann (Wobben Research and Development, Germany), U. Schauerte, T. Schmidt (Westnetz, Germany), T. Flessner (Alterric, Germany) (Submission-ID WIW22-67)
- Grid Forming and Grid Following Comparison for an Offshore Wind Farm Connected Via A HVAC Cable
R. Alves, A. Egea-Álvarez (University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom), T. Knueppel (Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Denmark) (Submission-ID WIW22-80)
- Evaluating Flicker Damping Capabilities of Wind Turbine Inverters with Grid Following and Grid Forming Controls Applying the Proposed Cases in IEC 61400-21-4
L. Rezai, F. Pöschke, M. Andrejewski, H. Schulte. J. Fortmann (HTW Berlin, Germany) (Submission-ID WIW22-128)
- Analysis and Systematic Comparison of Concepts for Voltage Control with Inverted-Based Prosumer Devices
C. Wegkamp, B. Skurk, B. Engel (Technische Universität Braunschweig/elenia, Germany) (Submission-ID WIW22-130)
- EMT Modelling of Inverter-Based Resources for Grid Stability Analysis Using Vendor-Independent Interfaces
A. Mahajan, B. Stickan, A. Salman, C. Gasser, F. Kuhlenkampff, R. Singer, S. Rogalla (Fraunhofer ISE, Germany), T. Schaupp, C. Schoell, M. Lindner, T. Rollkowski (Transnet BW, Germany) (Submission-ID WIW22-138)
- Non-linear Stability Boundary Assessment of Offshore Wind Power Plants Under Large Grid Disturbances
S. Ghosh (DTU – Technical University of Denmark), M. Kazem Bakhshizadeh (Ørsted Wind Power, Denmark), G. Yang (DTU – Technical University of Denmark), Ł. Kocewiak (Ørsted Wind Power, Denmark), B. Pal (Imperial College London, United Kingdom) (Submission-ID WIW22-154)
Special Issues of the IET Renewable Power Generation of previous workshops
Berlin, 2017: (published 2019)
Vienna, 2016: (published 2018)
Brussels, 2015: (published 2017)
Berlin, 2014: (published 2016)
London, 2013: (published 2015)